Our product lineup is available exclusively for food manufacturers, processors and wholesale customers.
If you have any questions about our products or services please call, email or fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you shortly.
Email: inquiry@mmis.ca
Tel: 905 841 1717
Gratuit: 1-877-873-6647
Fax: 705-719-0617
Address: 151 King Street,
Barrie, Ontario
L4N 6B5
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Que vous produisiez des hamburgers, des saucisses fraîches ou des boules de viande, MMIS Mondo a le classeur approprié pour vous. Nous avons une gamme complète d'unités sans gluten et sommes également en mesure de répondre à la plupart des demandes sans allergène - vous permettant de fournir un produit sûr, savoureux et fonctionnel à vos clients. Améliorez la vitesse de production et réduisez la quantité d'ingrédients dans votre inventaire en sélectionnant l'un de nos mélanges tout-en-un. Une variété de tailles de packs sont disponibles pour correspondre à la taille de votre lot. MMIS Mondo blends all of our units to order, maximizing product freshness. Our onsite lab allows us to match any unit you are currently using, so you don’t have to make any costly changes to your finished product label.
MMIS Mondo supplies the food industry with a wide selection of high quality spices, sourced from around the world. Paprika, freshly ground black pepper, dried herbs and spices (whole, rubbed, ground, granulated, and more), we have it all. Our team is continually evaluating these sources to give you the best product possible.
A variety of pack sizes are available, from small pouches to full sized industrial bags (22.68-25 Kg). Please contact our ingredient specialists.
As a custom blender of spices and ingredients, MMIS Mondo produces an extensive line of seasonings for the food industry. Our blends are mixed fresh each time, maximizing product flavour and colour. Our product range includes thousands of rubs, marinades, sausage units, chip and nut seasonings, as well as dry and liquid pet food flavours and seasonings (ask us about our NEW Natural product line). Avec un laboratoire sur place, nous avons également la possibilité de faire correspondre tout produit que vous utilisez actuellement - pas besoin de modifier votre étiquette de produit finie. Notre équipe technique développe continuellement de nouveaux produits basés sur les dernières tendances des ingrédients.
An exciting and flavourful marinade can be vital in making your meat shine during the BBQ season. MMIS Mondo comporte une gamme complète de saveurs traditionnelles et à la mode pour répondre aux besoins de tout client. Allergen free products are also available, allowing all customers to enjoy your products safely. With the addition of top of the line Brifisol® phosphates – you can rest assured that your marinated products will remain juicy and tender, regardless of the cooking method. All marinades are available in dry form, reducing shipping costs and storage space while increasing product shelf life; simply add water! A variety of pack sizes are possible to match your batch size. If we do not currently produce a flavour you need, this can easily be developed by our skilled technicians. Our onsite lab allows us to match the colour and flavour profile of any product you are currently using.
MMIS Mondo is the exclusive distributor of ICL (formerly BK Giulini) for the Canadian meat and dairy industry. Our units contain the appropriate phosphate from the Brifisol®, Bekaplus® and Joha® range. The highest functional phosphate for our blends brings the best yield and taste to you.
Brifisol® food phosphates have been synonymous for decades with more functional and economical meat, poultry and seafood processing, improved eating quality and extended shelf life. The Bekaplus® line combines food grade phosphates with gums, starches, and other technical ingredients to cover a wide range of functions.
Brifisol® and Bekaplus® products are highly cost effective and equally beneficial to processor and consumer. Our advanced production facilities enable us to offer these products with…
Pour les transformateurs laitiers et les applications associées, nos sels émulsifiants Les émulsifiants Joha® et nos stabilisants Bekaplus® stabilizers have set quality standards for decades.
Due to their exceptional cost effectiveness, these emulsifiers and stabilizers are used around the world in products such as – le fromage fondu, les puddings, la crème sure, les sauces au fromage et à la crème, les boissons à base de lait, les crèmes à café, les produits laitiers à faible pH, les yaourts. produits, Laits en poudre et mélanges de fromages, Desserts divers, Trempettes réfrigérées, Veloutés et chaudrées..
Les émulsifiants Joha® et les stabilisants Bekaplus® stabilizers are frequently used to solve problems relating to emulsion breakdown, water separation, protein precipitation, viscosity and texture control, shelf life extension and more.
Contact one of our technical team members to assist you in your processing/formulation needs.
MMIS Inc. carries a full line of netting for use in the meat industry. Specializing in boneless meat netting, the material is available shirred or as cut pieces. With the addition of the proprietary synergy release technology – release agents, flavours, colours, and spices can all be added to the base netting material. The netting material is ideal for production of boneless ham, turkey, chicken, or beef. Due to the netting treatments available, products can be produced with an attractive colour or flavour, with a shorter cook time compared to traditional processes and other netting materials.
This means greater product yields are possible! Special release agents can be added to ensure quick and easy peeling of the netting from your product. A large variety of netting sizes and patterns are available. Additionally, custom spice blends can be produced by MMIS Mondo and applied to the appropriate netting, giving you a unique and flavourful product. Newly developed High-Definition netting creates a distinct product appearance never before possible. Please contact our product specialists for a full listing of available products.
MMIS Inc. carries a variety of specialty casing materials which can be used to create a value added product.
Walsroder NeX products combine Walsroder fibrous casings with string netting. The NeX Line products use artfully tied string (a variety of colours possible) to give an attractive netted appearance to the finished goods. The NeX Form products can be used to give shape to the end product (triangular, quadratic, flower pedals), using an attractive netting design. Material is available as cut pieces or shirred material.
Walsroder TeX Spice materials are an easy way to greatly improve product value, appearance, and taste, through an even application of high quality spice. The spice coated textile material is available in sheets, reels, or as cut casing pieces, clipped on one end. Applications range from dry sausage to cooked sausage, cheese, pates, smoked pork, ham, to fish products. There is a near 100% spice transfer from the textile material to your product. Spice also remains on your product during slicing. No more messy and costly gelatin applications with wasted spice! Product is available in quantities as low as 100 pcs, allowing you to easily diversify your product lines. Please contact our product specialists for the full list of TeX Spice products available.
En raison de l'augmentation des réglementations environnementales dans le monde, Walsroder a développé le traitement de la fumée liquide CLS qui peut être appliqué à leurs boîtiers fibreux ou au boîtier fibreux FVP à l'épreuve de la vapeur. Une saveur et une apparence traditionnelles en tant que fumée de bois naturel peuvent être obtenues, sans le temps supplémentaire, le désordre et les dépenses de tabagisme en bois. De plus, le traitement CC (couleur revêtue) peut être appliqué aux boîtiers ci-dessus pour une couleur caramel léger à noir. Veuillez contacter nos spécialistes de produits pour plus d'informations.
MMIS Inc. surveille continuellement les nouveaux développements et innovations dans l'industrie des emballages alimentaires. Nous portons actuellement plusieurs gammes de produits supplémentaires et complémentaires comme suit:
Vacuum Bags
We carry a large stock of 3, 4, and 5 mm thick vacuum bags. Many sizes to choose from! Bags are produced using a seven layer co-extrusion technique, providing an excellent shelf life and superior barrier properties. Bags have a high level of clarity, are soft, pliable, strong, and very durable. Simple 1 colour, or complex multi-colour surface prints are possible. Low minimum order quantities!
Plastic Paté Forms
Plastic forms for meat patés, meat loafs, and other products are available in various sizes and colours. These products can be re-used numerous times, reducing your costs and environmental impact.
Walsroder K Flex is the economical all-rounder. The special polyamide layer on the casing interior assures good meat cling which counteracts formation of fat and jelly pockets. Its pliability, tensile properties, clipping performance, shrinkage and temperature resistance ensure trouble free-processing. Walsroder K Flex is therefore just as suitable for manual sausage-making as it is for automatic sausage production. This heat-shrinking polymer casing is neutral in terms of both taste and odour.
Walsroder K Flex is fit for use throughout a temperature range of -18°C to +121°C. This allows all kinds of sausage, meat, and cheese products to be processed, including sterilized (retorted, autoclaved) varieties. The stretch ratio selected for its manufacture makes the casing readily shrinkable for smooth-surfaced, tightly stuffed sausages. Walsroder K Flex is therefore suitable for all types of cooked sausage and is equally ideal as a packaging for other food and meat products.
With its low gas and water vapour transmission rates and thus also an ideal aroma barrier, even non-pigmented Walsroder K Flex easily meets the retail shelf life requirements. Pigment colouring minimizes light transmission, thus enhancing the protection given to the product inside the casing.
The Walsroder K Plus is a special-grade casing that gives high-quality sausages added protection. It has an attractive surface finish and owes its dependable processing characteristics to its exceptional strength and self-shrinking capability. The high-performance five-layer casing provides an extremely high barrier against water vapour and oxygen. Its UV light barrier also helps prevent oxidation.
The odourless and tasteless Walsroder K Plus casing is used primarily for high-quality cooked or scalded fresh sausage varieties and also for cured meat products. As the quality of the products is maintained during long-haul distribution and a long shelf life, the casing is also suitable as a container for other food items, such as soup, processed cheese, or pet food.
The special polyamide layer on the casing interior is designed for excellent meat cling to counteract the formation of fat and jelly pockets. Whether printed or unprinted, Walsroder K Plus is resistant to fats, oils and other substances likely to be used in the production of sausage and meat products. Walsroder K Plus is fit for use throughout a temperature range of -18°C to +105°C.
Converting (tying, clipping, etc.) and one colour printing are available with a quick turnaround time from our Aurora location.
Walsroder F plus couples the benefits of fibrous casings, such as satin-matt surface and excellent shrink capability, with the superb barrier and meat cling properties associated with plastic casings. Walsroder F plus has a highly effective barrier coating on the inside. It is highly impermeable to water vapour, oxygen and aromas as well as being greaseproof. Outstanding features such as its good handling texture and machinability make the casing equally attractive to the butcher’s trade and the meat processing industry.
Walsroder F plus is ideal for cooked and scalded varieties of sausage produced without smoke treatment. Their colour and quality are reliably retained by Walsroder F plus.
A major plus factor at the point of sale is the natural appearance and long shelf life of the finished sausage products. Sausages in Walsroder F plus remain fresh and retain their flavour. Stored properly, the sausages will have a shelf life of several weeks without losing any of the quality.
With its excellent shrink performance – highly appreciated by experts in the trade – Walsroder F plus ensures that sausages keep their tightly stuffed exterior. The casing encloses the sausage product skin-tight and wrinkle-free, providing excellent meat cling.
Walsroder F plus can be filled exactly to the recommended stuffed diameter – meeting the prerequisites for packaging halved or portioned sausages for retailing in self-service outlets.
The Glossy Barrier-Coated Alternative
Walsroder FVP is a fibrous casing with an outside barrier coating which, coupled with the natural surface, gives the sausage its glossy appearance. The barrier coating ensures that the sausages have a dependable shelf life and that the interior fibrous layer of the casing remains constantly moist. In practical terms, this boils down to: no shrinking, no bursting, no smoke treatment. When the sausage is finally cut, the cooked emulsion will not ooze out- in other words: it’s the ideal casing for all varieties of liver sausage.
Walsroder FVP is the perfect choice for unsmoked cooked or scalded sausages, cooked cured meat products and cooked sectioned-and-formed meat products, including poultry items. It’s the ideal casing for all varieties of liver sausage.
Walsroder FVP is virtually impermeable to water vapour, oxygen and aromas as well as being greaseproof. The sausages obtain a glossy exterior and remain fresh for a very long time. In addition, sausages produced in Walsroder FVP are suitable for deep-freezing. Walsroder FVP can be filled to the specified diameter trouble-free: With the appropriate stuffing pressure, the sausages will obtain their fully rounded contours.
Additionally, the Walsroder FVP can now be used to transfer caramel colour and/or smoke flavour to a food product, while remaining in a moisture proof casing. Perfect for meat or cheese applications, this new development saves the need for messy and costly applications of caramel colour or liquid smoke. Product yields can also be maximized with the moisture proof FVP casing, compared to a traditional fibrous or collagen casing. Our technical team is available to discuss the latest treatments/coatings for your applications.
Que votre objectif soit d'augmenter les rendements des produits, d'améliorer la durée de conservation ou de lancer une gamme de produits naturels, nous fournissons une large gamme d'ingrédients techniques et de mélanges pour répondre à vos besoins. Nous portons une gamme complète de produits d'étiquette propre et évaluons continuellement les dernières tendances des produits dans l'industrie alimentaire. MMIS Mondo also carries our own line of starter cultures for the meat industry. Our MondoStart line is fully approved by Health Canada. Whether you are producing a traditional German salami, or would like an attractive white surface mould, we have the product to meet your needs. Superior product flavour, colour, and texture – MondoStart is the answer. Avec une solide expérience technique, nos experts en produit sont disponibles pour répondre à vos questions et vous aider avec tous vos besoins de traitement.